In a groundbreaking collaboration, BITZER UK and O-Hx Ltd are revolutionizing energy storage with the pioneering EnergiVault coolth storage technology. Let’s delve into the details of this innovative system that combines efficiency, sustainability, and reliability.
The EnergiVault Concept
- Coolth Storage: Unlike traditional energy storage systems, EnergiVault focuses on coolth storage. It generates cooling using high-efficiency BITZER open-drive screw compressors.
- Phase Change Material (PCM): The heart of EnergiVault lies in its ‘coolth battery’ based on phase change material. This stored cooling energy serves multiple purposes.
- Peak Load Support: EnergiVault seamlessly steps in during peak demand when chillers are maxed-out, ensuring uninterrupted cooling.
- Energy Resilience: It provides energy resilience, safeguarding operations even during chiller breakdowns or extreme temperatures.
Demonstration at Quotient Sciences
- Commercial Demonstration Plant: A successful pilot project at Quotient Sciences’ facility in Alnwick showcased EnergiVault’s effectiveness. It delivered significant energy cost savings by charging the coolth battery with lower-cost overnight electricity.
- Smooth Load-Shifting: EnergiVault’s ‘trickle-charging’ replaced inefficient chiller cycling, resulting in smoother load profiles.
- Environmentally Friendly: Unlike lithium batteries, EnergiVault can use all stored energy without harming future capacity.
Future Prospects
- Industrial Applications: Large industrial refrigeration users are keen on EnergiVault to protect production and enhance output during peak loads.
- Decarbonization Drive: EnergiVault aligns with the global drive to decarbonize and increase energy security.
BITZER UK and O-Hx Ltd are at the forefront of sustainable energy solutions. EnergiVault’s coolth storage technology promises a greener, more efficient future.
Stay tuned for more breakthroughs!